Pastor Samuel and Evangelist Joan is the founder of Jesus Is Alive International Christian Fellowship
In early 1992 Pastor Samuel had suffered the anguish of two brain haemorrhages and was told by top
specialists in London that he would die by December 1992. However Pastor Samuel and his wife and
co-founder of J.I.A.I C. F. who was also given up to die earlier in her life stood firm on God's report.
They call on relatives, and associate and friends to agree with them for a miracle which was the only
answer to this severe haemorrhaging, God miraculously intervened and healed him of the haemorrhaging
and all adverse condition of the brain.
Pator Joan has been an Evangelist for the past 30 years after a miraculous healing of which she was
given up to die, but God miraculously healed her. Evangelist Joan a native of Jamaica came to London
41 years ago and has been an Evangelist for the past 30 years after being miraculously healed.
Evangelist Joan met and Married Pastor Samuel 37 years ago, And the happy couple produced
5 wonderful children all grown ups and 12 magnificent Grand children, and one great grand child.
Evangelist Joan committed herself fully to the Lord after her miraculous healing, She conducted
several crusades in London where she and her husband withness many healings and deliverances.
Evangelist Joan and Samuel pioneered a very active and vibrant youth ministry, together they
joined forces and touched the lives of many youths for 13 years before launching J.I.A.Ministries
in 1997. Evangelist Joan has also travelled to Jamaica, to Miami and in 2005 and 2006
consecutively she travelled to Kenya ministering in Churches, Parks and villages many souls were
won to the Lord.
Minister Samuel Samson is no longer worshipping at Jesus Is Alive International
Christian Fellowship.